Caribbean Fishery Management Council

Conserving, Restoring and Managing of Fishery Resources in the US Caribbean

  • Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; 2006 Consolidated Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery Management Plan; Amendment 7; Final Rule

    NMFS will host two public webinars to provide the opportunity toexplain management measures and effective dates in the final rule for Amendment 7 to the 2006 Consolidated Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fishery Management Plan (FMP) (Amendment 7), which published December 2, 2014.

    QC WORKING GROUP of WECAF - 2ND MEETING, November 18-20, 2014 in Panama City, Panama

    The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announced a 12 month finding and listing determination on a petition to list the queen conch (Strombus gigas) as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).  NMFS have concluded that the queen conch is not currently in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range nor is it not likely to become so within the foreseeable future. Please refer to the Federal Register attached notice for the details.

    CFMC Report on the 150th Regular Meeting

    Fuete y Verguilla - St Croix Special Edition (English Version(Versión en Español) Publication by Sea Grant College Program and the Interdisciplinary Center for Coastal Studies (CIEL, in Spanish) of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus

    The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces the availability for public review of the Draft Recovery Plan (Plan) for elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) and staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis).

    NAUTILUS EXPEDITION is back in the Caribbean

    Current Federal Regulations in Abrir La Sierra Bank, Bajo de Sico, and Tourmaline Bank Remain in Effect Until Further Notice    (Spanish version)

    Orientation Meeting / Reunion para Orientacion

    Thursday, September 11, 2014 /jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014 - 3:00pm - 6:00pm, Museo de los Próceres dentro del Complejo Deportivo Rebekah Colberg, Carr. 312, km 0.2 , Cabo Rojo, PR

    NOAA Seeks Public Comment for a Proposed Rule to List Nassau Grouper as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act

    Orientation Meeting / Reunion para Orientacion

    Thursday, September 11, 2014 /jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014 - 3:00pm - 6:00pm, Museo de los Próceres dentro del Complejo Deportivo Rebekah Colberg, Carr. 312, km 0.2 , Cabo Rojo, PR

    U.S. Commerce Department announces 2014 regional fishery council appointments

    Dont Stop Talking Fish - Event was totally sucessful! In celebration of USVI fisheries heritage and culture, on Saturday June 28 at the close of the Territorially designated Fisher Appreciation Week, the first ever FREE Don't Stop Talking Fish Family Fun Day and Cultural Event (a Marine Outreach and Education USVI Style project) took place from 2p-12am at Camp Arawak, Great Pond, the current location of the St. Croix East End Marine Park office! Over 500 people came out in support of OUR USVI fisheries resources and fishers! We made front page news in the St. Croix Avis (June 29), VI Daily News (June 30) and VI Source online (June 29)! There was also an editorial in the St. Croix Avis (June 29) commending the event and its aim.

    Thanks for your participation and support. Looking forward to the next one, hopefully in St. Thomas, June 27, 2015.


    National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy

    Supplemental Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS); reopening of comment period:

    Puerto Rico



    Interagency Cooperation — Endangered Species Act of 1973, as Amended; Definition of Destruction or Adverse Modification of Critical Habitat.
    FWS and NMFS propose to amend regulations, which implements the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act).

    Listing Endangered and Threatened Species and Designating Critical Habitat; Implementing Changes to the Regulations for Designating Critical Habitat

    Dont Stop Talking Fish
     -The “Don’t Stop Talking Fish” Workshop and Family Fun Day is a collaboration between the USVI Department of Planning and Natural Resources and NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program to build community awareness and knowledge pertaining to the fisheries management process, the roles of management agencies, and the most recent fisheries rules and regulations. The goal of the workshop is to set a venue for both the fishing community and broader community to learn about fisheries management and celebrate the USVI fisheries culture. 

    Latest Newsletter

    Spawning Aggregations Outreach Tools - links

    New Factsheets

    Summary of Commercial and Recreational Fishing Regulations for the U.S. Caribbean Exclusive Economic Zone

    Summary of Commercial and Recreational Fishing Regulations in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off Puerto Rico / Spanish

    Summary of Commercial and Recreational Fishing Regulations in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off the United States Virgin Islands Spanish


    December 15-16 - meeting will be in St Thomas, USVI.


     Boletín Especial ABT - Vista Pública relacionada con las Medidas de Manejo propuestas para Abrir la Sierra, Bajo de Sico y Tourmaline

    Southeast Region Finalizes Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2016-2020

    NOAA's popular NOAA Extreme Weather Information Sheets (NEWIS) have been updated for 2015.  These Sheets provide phone numbers and websites for contacting government officials and monitoring information resources before, during, and after potentially life-threatening weather situations.  

    Sheets are available free of charge ( for coastal Alabama, Florida Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas, as well as for Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Hawaii.

    Sargassum Invades St. Thomas

    FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE - NMFS announced the adoption of a Final Endangered Species Act recovery plan for elkhorn coral and staghorn corals. Electronic copies of the Plan are available on the NMFS Web site at and on the SERO Web

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, announces the availability of funds for Seagrass Conservation Projects through the Puerto Rico Seagrass Fund. Proposals are due by May 21st.

    For more information and to apply, please visit the Puerto Rico Seagrass Fund - Seagrass Conservation Projects Request for Proposals webpage

    National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Implementation Plan 2015-2018

    NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer: Océano Profundo 2015: Exploring Puerto Rico’s Seamounts, Trenches, and Troughs

    Southeast Region Draft Strategic Plan Available for Public Comment - NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office drafted a strategic plan for fiscal years 2016-2020.  This planning effort is one component of a national initiative directed by NOAA Fisheries to ensure the agency's regulatory and science programs are consistent, transparent, efficient, and effectively aligned with the agency's two core mandates: Productivity and sustainability of fisheries and fishing communities, Recovery and conservation of protected resources.

    Magnuson-Stevens Act – Ongoing Reauthorization Activities

    NMFS announces a 90-day finding on a petition to list
    yellowtail damselfish (Microspathodon chrysurus) as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
    .  Federal Register /Vol. 80, No. 32 /Wednesday, February 18, 2015 /Notices

    NMFS is releasing the draft NMFS Climate Science Strategy (NCSS) for public review and comment. Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 15 / Friday, January 23, 2015 / Notices

    NMFS announces the availability of the NOAA Restoration Center Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. Publication of this notice begins the public comment period for this Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (DPEIS).

    Funding Opportunity Federal Register /Vol. 80, No. 19 /Thursday, January 29, 2015 /Notices

    FY 2015 Habitat Blueprint - Coastal and Marine Habitat Focus Area Grants for Biscayne Bay, FL, Puerto Rico’s Northeast Reserves and Culebra Island, and Kachemak Bay, AK.

    In the Federal Register of February 2, 2015, Vol. 80, No. 21, on page 5515, in the third column, correct the ‘‘Dates’’ caption to read: ‘‘DATES: Written comments must be submitted on or before April 3, 2015’’.

    The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.

    NOAA has chosen two sites in the Southeast and Caribbean Region as the next Habitat Focus Areas under NOAA’s Habitat Blueprint.

  • For next meeting schedule, please go to Meetings Calendar.

    2016 Announcements, Notices and Bulletins, please go to Federal Register Notices, Fishery Bulletins and Announcements.

     NOAA Fisheries announces new text message alert program  NOAA Fisheries Southeast is pleased to announce the introduction of our new text message alert program.  The program will allow you to sign up to receive important fishery related alerts via text message.
    To receive important fishery related alerts via text message, including:

    Immediate fishery openings and closures,

    And any significant changes to fishing regulations that happen quickly

    Opt-in for one or more of the following groups. Standard message & data rates may apply. You may opt-out at any time.

    Gulf of Mexico Recreational Fisheries: Text GULFRECFISH to 888777

    Gulf of Mexico Commercial Fisheries: Text GULFCOMMFISH to 888777

    South Atlantic Recreational Fisheries: Text SATLRECFISH to 888777

    South Atlantic Commercial Fisheries: Text SATLCOMMFISH to 888777

    Caribbean Fisheries: Text CARIBFISH to 888777

    NMFS implements accountability measures (AMs) for species and species groups in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the U.S. Caribbean off Puerto Rico for the 2016 fishing year through this temporary rule. NMFS has determined that annual catch limits (ACLs) in the EEZ off Puerto Rico were exceeded for spiny lobster; the commercial sectors for triggerfish and filefish, wrasses, Snapper Unit 2, and parrotfishes; and the recreational sector for jacks, based on average landings during the 2012–2014 fishing years.

    This temporary rule reduces the lengths of the 2016 fishing seasons for these species and species groups by the amounts necessary to ensure that landings do not exceed the applicable ACLs in 2016. NMFS closes the applicable sectors for these species and species groups beginning on the dates specified below (in the DATES section) and continuing until the end of the fishing year, December 31, 2016. These AMs are necessary to protect the Caribbean reef fish and spiny lobster resources in the EEZ off Puerto Rico.

    This rule is effective June 30, 2016, until 12:01 a.m., local time, January 1, 2017. The AMs apply in the EEZ off Puerto Rico for the following species and species groups, and fishing sectors, at the times and dates specified below, until 12:01 a.m., local time, January 1, 2017.
    • Triggerfish and filefish, combined (commercial) effective at 12:01 a.m., local time, October 16, 2016;
    • Jacks (recreational) effective at12:01 a.m., local time, November 4, 2016;
    • Wrasses (commercial) effective at12:01 a.m., local time, November 16, 2016;
    • Snapper Unit 2 (commercial) effective at 12:01 a.m., local time, November 26, 2016;
    • Spiny lobster (commercial and recreational) effective at 12:01 a.m., local time, December 10, 2016;
    • Parrotfishes (commercial) effective at 12:01 a.m., local time, December 19, 2016.

    The National Marine Fisheries Service proposes a rule to implement the requirement under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act that all fishery management plans (FMPs) establish a standardized reporting methodology to assess the amount and type of bycatch occurring in a fishery. Federal Register /Vol. 81, No. 37 /Thursday, February 25, 2016 / Proposed Rules


     FB16-89 - Commercial Harvest of the Parrotfish Species Group in Federal Waters
    off Puerto Rico will Close on December 19, 2016

    FB16-89 SP - La pesca comercial del grupo de especies cotorros (loros) en aguas federales de Puerto Rico estará cerrada desde el 19 de diciembre de 2016

    FB16-86 - Commercial and Recreational Harvest of Spiny Lobster in Federal Waters off Puerto Rico will Close on December 10, 2016

    FB16-86 SP - La pesca comercial y recreativa de la langosta espinosa en aguas federalesNde Puerto Rico estará cerrada desde el 10 de diciembre de 2016

    FB16-78 - Reminder of Seasonal Fishing Restrictions in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters Beginning December 1, 2016, at 12:01 a.m., Local Time

    FB16-78SP -Restricciones de área de temporada para la pesca en aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense
    comienzan a las 12:01 a.m., hora local, el 1ro de diciembre de 2016

    FB16-77- Commercial Harvest of Snapper Unit 2 (Queen and Cardinal Snappers) in Puerto Rico Federal Waters will close on November 26, 2016

    FB16-77 SP - La pesca comercial de la Unidad de Pargos 2 (cartucho y muniama de afuera) en aguas federales de Puerto Rico estará cerrada desde el 26 de noviembre de 2016

    FB16-073 - Recreational Harvest of Jacks in Puerto Rico Federal Waters will close on November 4, 2016. Commercial Harvest of Wrasses in Puerto Rico Federal Waters will close on November 16, 2016

    FB16-073 SP - Cierre a la pesca recreativa de jureles en aguas federales de Puerto Rico comienza el 4 de noviembre de 2016. Cierre a la pesca comercial de lábridos en aguas federales de Puerto Rico comienza el 16 de noviembre de 2016.

    FB16-64 - Seasonal Prohibition on Fishing for and Possession of Caribbean Council-Managed Reef Fish in Federal Waters of Bajo de Sico begins on October 1, 2016, at 12:01 a.m., Local Time

    FB16-64 SP - La Pesca Comercial de Peces Peje Puercos y Lijas en aguas federales de Puerto Rico estará cerrada desde el 16 de octubre de 2016

    FB 16-63 - Commercial Harvest of Triggerfish and Filefish in Puerto Rico Federal Waters will close on October 16, 2016, at 12:01 a.m., Local Time

    FB 16-63 SP - La Pesca Comercial de Peces Peje Puercos y Lijas en aguas federales de Puerto Rico estará cerrada desde el 16 de octubre de 2016

    FB 16-62 - Seasonal Prohibition on Fishing for and Possession of Blackfin, Vermilion, Black, and Silk Snapper in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters Begins October 1, 2016, at 12:01 a.m., Local Time

    FB 16-62 SP -Temporada de Veda para la Pesca y Posesión del Chillo Ojo Amarillo, Negrita, Besugo y Pargo Prieto en las Aguas Federales del Caribe Estadounidense, Comienza a las 12:01 a.m., hora local, el 1ro de Octubre de 2016

    FB 16-43 - NOAA Fisheries Lists Nassau Grouper as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act

    FB 16-43 SP - El Servicio Nacional de Pesquerías Marinas lista al mero cherna (Nassau) como especie amenazada bajo la Ley Federal de Especies en Peligro de Extinción

    Federal Register Notice -NMFS implements accountability measures (AMs) for species and species groups in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of the U.S. Caribbean off Puerto Rico for the 2016 fishing year through this temporary rule. NMFS has determined that annual catch limits (ACLs) in the EEZ off Puerto Rico were exceeded for spiny lobster; the commercial sectors for triggerfish and filefish, wrasses, Snapper Unit 2, and parrotfishes; and the recreational sector for jacks, based on average landings during the 2012–2014 fishing years. This temporary rule reduces the lengths of the 2016 fishing seasons for these species and species groups by the amounts necessary to ensure that landings do not exceed the applicable ACLs in 2016. NMFS closes the applicable sectors for these species and species groups beginning on the dates specified below (in the DATES section) and continuing until the end of the fishing year, December 31, 2016. These AMs are necessary to protect the Caribbean reef fish and spiny lobster resources in the EEZ off Puerto Rico.

    This rule is effective June 30, 2016, until 12:01 a.m., local time, January 1, 2017. The AMs apply in the EEZ off Puerto Rico for the following species and species groups, and fishing sectors, at the times and dates specified below, until 12:01 a.m., local time, January 1, 2017.
    • Triggerfish and filefish, combined (commercial) effective at 12:01 a.m., local time, October 16, 2016;
    • Jacks (recreational) effective at12:01 a.m., local time, November 4, 2016;
    • Wrasses (commercial) effective at12:01 a.m., local time, November 16, 2016;
    • Snapper Unit 2 (commercial) effective at 12:01 a.m., local time, November 26, 2016;
    • Spiny lobster (commercial and recreational) effective at 12:01 a.m., local time, December 10, 2016;
    • Parrotfishes (commercial) effective at 12:01 a.m., local time, December 19, 2016.

    NMFS issues this final rule to implement measures described in Amendment 7 to the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for the Reef Fish Fishery of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) (Reef Fish FMP), Amendment 6 to the FMP for the Spiny Lobster Fishery of Puerto Rico and the USVI (Spiny Lobster FMP), Amendment 5 to the FMP for Corals and Reef Associated Plants and Invertebrates of Puerto Rico and the USVI (Coral FMP), and Amendment 4 to the FMP for the Queen Conch Resources of Puerto Rico and the USVI (Queen Conch FMP), as prepared by the Caribbean Fishery Management Council (Council).
    This final rule is effective June 10, 2016.

    FB16-38 - Reduced Fishing Season Lengths for Several Species and Species Groups in Federal Waters around Puerto Rico for the 2016 Fishing Year

    FB16-38SP - Reducción en la duración de las temporadas de pesca para varias especies y grupos de especies en las aguas federales de Puerto Rico para el año 2016

    FB16-31 - Seasonal Prohibition on Fishing for or Possession of Queen Conch in Federal Waters off St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, begins on June 1, 2016, at 12:01 a.m. local time.

    FB16-31SP - La temporada de veda para la pesca y posesión del carrucho en las aguas Federales del Caribe Estadounidense al este de Santa Cruz, Islas Vírgenes 
    Estadounidenses, comienza el 1ero de junio de 2016, a las 12:01 a. m. hora local.

    FB16-30 - NOAA Fisheries Announces New Regulations Revising Accountability Measure Language in the U.S. Caribbean Fishery Management Plans. Regulations will be effective on June 10, 2016.

    FB16-30SP - La Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA Fisheries, por su nombre en inglés) anuncia la nueva reglamentación relacionada a las medidas de responsabilidad en los planes de manejo de pesquerías del Caribe estadounidense. Esta reglamentación será efectiva el 10 de junio de 2016.

    FB16-20 - Seasonal Prohibition on Fishing for or Possession of Mutton and Lane Snapper in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters Begins on April 1, 2016, at 12:01 a.m., Local Time.

    FB16-20S - Temporada de veda para la pesca y posesión de la sama y el arrayao en las aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense, comenzando a las 12:01 a.m., hora local, efectivo el 1ro de abril de 2016.

    FB16-012 - (English) NOAA Fisheries Seeks Comments on a Proposed Rule to Revise Accountability Measure Language in the U.S. Caribbean Fishery Management Plans  Comment Period Ends March 28, 2016.

    FB16-012SP - (Español) La Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA Fisheries, por su nombre en inglés) solicita comentarios sobre una reglamentación propuesta relacionada a las medidas de responsabilidad en los planes de manejo de pesquerías del Caribe estadounidense  El período de comentarios termina el 28 de marzo de 2016

    FB16-010 - (English) Annual Mutton Snapper Spawning Aggregation Seasonal Area Closure in Federal Waters off St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands Begins on March 1, 2016, at 12:01 a.m., Local Time.

    FB16-010 SP - (Español) Cierre de temporada anual en el Área de Desove de la Sama en aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense al sudoeste de Santa Cruz, Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses, comenzando a las 12:01 a.m., hora local, efectivo el 1ro de marzo de 2016.

    FB16-09 - (English) NOAA Fisheries Seeks Comments on a Proposal to Revise Accountability Measure Language in the U.S. Caribbean Fishery Management Plans. Comment period ends on April 4, 2016.

    FB16-09 - (Español) Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (NOAA Fisheries, por su nombre en inglés) solicita comentarios sobre una propuesta para modificar el lenguaje sobre medidas de responsabilidad en los planes de manejo para pesquerías del Caribe estadounidense. El período de comentarios termina el 4 de abril de 2016.

    FB16-03 - (English) Seasonal Prohibition on Fishing for and Possession of Red, Black, Tiger, Yellowfin, and Yellowedge Grouper in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters and Seasonal Closure of Grammanik Bank off St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

    FB16-03 - (Español) Temporada de Veda para la Pesca y Posesión del Mero Rojo, Mero Negro (Mero Prieto), Dientes de Sable (Tigre), Guajil (Mero Pinto), y Guajil Amarillo, en las aguas Federales del Caribe Estadounidense y Cierre de Temporada en el Área del Banco Grammanik en San Tomás, Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses

    The Caribbean Fishery Management Council and NOAA Fisheries announce the availability of the Comprehensive Amendment to the U.S. Caribbean Fishery Management Plans: Application of Accountability Measures for public review. The public comment period will be open until April 4, 2016. If you would like to see the amendment, obtain more information about this action, and/or submit comments, please follow this link:!documentDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2015-0124-0001

    You can also download the amendment document here.!documentDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2015-0124-0005

    Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 38 / Friday, February 26, 2016 / Proposed Rules

    Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 23 / Thursday, February 4, 2016 / Proposed Rules

    El Servicio Nacional de Pesquerías Marinas y el Consejo de Administración Pesquera del Caribe anuncian la disponibilidad del documento "Enmienda Comprensiva a los Planes de Manejo de Pesquerías del Caribe Estadounidense: Aplicación de Medidas de Responsabilidad" para obtener comentarios del público. El período para someter comentarios sobre esta Enmienda estará abierto hasta el 4 de abril de 2016. Si desea obtener copiar de la Enmienda, obtener más información sobre esta acción y/o someter comentarios, por favor visite:!documentDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2015-0124-0001

    Puede descargar el documento aqui.!documentDetail;D=NOAA-NMFS-2015-0124-0005

    Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 38 / Friday, February 26, 2016 / Proposed Rules

    Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 23 / Thursday, February 4, 2016 / Proposed Rules

      La pesca incidental se puede convertir en la pesca del día lo cual contribuye a la sustentabilidad de las especies.

    Aquí el link-

    La innovación y los adelantos tecnológicos han dado paso a realizar investigaciones en lugares diversos y poder identificar hábitats con mayor facilidad lo cual contribuye a alimentar la toma de decisiones en el manejo de las pesquerías. Conoce algunos ejemplos y cómo han ayudado a los Consejos de Pesca en diferentes regiones. Como siempre los exhorto a compartir la información con sus colegas y en las redes sociales.

    Puerto Rico, St.Thomas/St.John and St. Croix…three different islands and three different food experiences in the U.S. Caribbean. Learn how fishery managers are tailoring fishing rules to the unique habits, culture, and seafood preferencesof its diverse people and locations.

    Puerto Rico, St. Thomas/St. John y Santa Cruz…tres islas diferentes y tres gastronomías diferentes en el Caribe estadounidense. Conoce como los manejadores de pesca están diseñando reglamentos pesqueros para los hábitats únicos de cada isla, las diversas costumbres, culturas y preferencias del público.


    Los lugares de agregación de los peces tienen un valor incalculable para el funcionamiento del ecosistema marino y el Caribe no es excepción. Conoce más sobre los sitios donde desovan los peces.

    Fish spawning sites boost healthy fish populations and improves the recovery of declining ocean species. Learn more about these sites.


  • For next meeting schedule, please go to Meetings Calendar.

    2017 Announcements, Notices and Bulletins, please go to Federal Register Notices, Fishery Bulletins and Announcements.


    Temporary rule closes the recreational fishing for wrasses and parrotfishes in the EEZ in Puerto Rico. Recreational fishing for wrasses closed on 4/19/17, and opens January 1, 2018. Parrotfishes closure for recreational fishing starts on May 19, 2017, and opens January 1, 2018. The AM-based closure for recreational parrotfishes applies at November 4, 2017, and opens January 1, 2018. Please refer to the attached Federal Register Notice for details.

    On Apr 19, 2017, at 9:11 AM, Geno Olmi - NOAA Federal 

    From NOAA Press Release:
    NOAA hurricane specialists, including National Hurricane Center director Rick Knabb, Ph.D., will provide information to residents of vulnerable communities about hurricane preparedness and resilience. Tours of the Air Force Reserve Command’s WC-130J “Hurricane Hunter” will offer an opportunity to learn how scientists collect hurricane information.
    “Several Caribbean countries were severely damaged last year by Hurricane Matthew and Hurricane Otto,” Knabb said. “Another season is just weeks away and we have to be prepared. Simply hoping one of these storms won't hit your community is not a good plan.”
    Locations, all local airports, and local times for public tours are:

    April 24, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. – Merida, Mexico
    April 25, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. – San Pedro Sula, Honduras
    April 26, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Grand Cayman
    April 27, 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Turks and Caicos 
    April 29, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Aguadilla, Puerto Rico 

    During hurricanes, military air crews fly state-of-the-art WC-130J aircraft directly into the core of tropical cyclones to gather data that are critical for forecasting a hurricane’s intensity and landfall. The data are sent in real time via satellite from the aircraft directly to the National Hurricane Center for analysis and use by hurricane forecasters.
    "This data is vital in improving storm track models, which plays a critical role in alerting coastal residents about potential hazards,” said Lt. Col. Kaitlyn Woods, 53rd WRS chief meteorologist.
    "The Caribbean Hurricane Awareness Tour educates the public not only about our mission but also of the importance of being prepared."
    During the 2016 hurricane season, the 53rd WRS flew 75 missions, including 12 investigative flights over the Atlantic, for the National Hurricane Center. It also flew one mission over the eastern North Pacific and 14 over the central North Pacific. The eastern North Pacific hurricane season begins May 15 while the central North Pacific and Atlantic basin hurricane season begins June 1.
    Aside from Knabb, also participating in the tour will be Lixion Avila, Ph.D., NOAA NHC senior hurricane specialist; and U.S Air Force reservists from the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron (WRS), 403rd Wing, Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Miss.
    Eugene (Geno) Olmi, PhD 
    Coordinator, NOAA Southeast and Caribbean Regional Team (SECART) 
    NOAA, 2234 South Hobson Ave, Charleston, SC 29405-2413 

    May 9, 2017 - Federal Register /Vol. 82, No. 88 /Tuesday, May 9, 2017 /Rules and Regulations

    Amendments to the Reef Fish, Spiny Lobster, and Corals and Reef Associated Plants and Invertebrates Fishery Management Plans of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands

    Electronic copies of the AM Timing Amendment, which includes an environmental assessment (EA), a Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) analysis, and a regulatory impact review, may be obtained from the Southeast Regional Office Web site

    Temporary rule closes the recreational fishing for wrasses and parrotfishes in the EEZ in Puerto Rico. Recreational fishing for wrasses closed on 4/19/17, and opens January 1, 2018. Parrotfishes closure for recreational fishing starts on May 19, 2017, and opens January 1, 2018. The AM-based closure for recreational parrotfishes applies at November 4, 2017, and opens January 1, 2018. Please refer to the attached Federal Register Notice for details.

    Notice of availability; request for comments. Amendments to the Reef Fish, Spiny Lobster, and Corals and Reef Associated Plants and Invertebrates Fishery Management Plans of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    DRAFT - FMP Amendment to Accountability Measures - ver 4 - 2016

    FEDERAL REGISTER NOAA-NMFS-2016-0013-0001 - Amendments to the Reef Fish, Spiny Lobster, and Corals and Reef Associated Plants and Invertebrates Fishery Management Plans of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


    FB17-37 ENG - Reduced 2017 Fishing Season Lengths for the Harvest of Species and Species Groups in Federal Waters off Puerto Rico

    FB17-37 SP - Reducción en la duración de la temporada de pesca de varias especies y grupos de especies en aguas federales alrededor de Puerto Rico para el año 2017

    FB17-30 Eng - Seasonal Prohibition on Fishing for or Possession of Queen Conch in Federal Waters off St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

    NOAA Fisheries reminds the public of the upcoming seasonal prohibition on fishing for or possession on board a fishing vessel of queen conch. 
    This annually recurring prohibition will take effect at 12:01 a.m. local time on June 1, 2017. 
    The queen conch harvest season will reopen at 12:01 a.m. local time on November 1, 2017. 
    The closure applies in federal waters east of 64°34′ W longitude, including that portion of the Lang Bank area falling within those federal waters (see map below). 
    Possession of queen conch in U.S. Virgin Island territorial waters is prohibited June 1 through October 31. 
    Possession of queen conch in Puerto Rico jurisdictional waters is prohibited August 1 through October 31.

    More information in the Caribbean Fishery Bulletin FB17-30. May 24, 2017

    FB17-30 Sp - Temporada de veda para la pesca o posesión del carrucho en 
    aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense al este de Santa Cruz, 
    Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses

    El Servicio Nacional de Pesquerías Marinas (NOAA Fisheries) le recuerda a los pescadores y al público, el comienzo de la temporada de veda para la pesca o posesión del carrucho a bordo de una embarcación. 
    Esta veda es recurrente anualmente y será efectiva a partir de las 12:01 a.m., hora local, del 1ro de junio de 2017. 
    La temporada de pesca comercial y recreacional del carrucho re-abrirá a las 12:01 a. m., hora local, el 1ro de noviembre de 2017. 
    La veda aplica en aguas federales al este de la longitud 64°34′ O en Santa Cruz, incluyendo la porción del área de Lang Bank en aguas federales (ver mapa abajo). 
    La pesca y posesión del carrucho en aguas territoriales de las Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses está prohibida desde el 1ro de junio al 31 de octubre, de cada año. 
    La pesca y posesión del carrucho en aguas territoriales de Puerto Rico está prohibida desde el 1ro de agosto al 31 de octubre de cada año.

    Mas informacion en el Boletín Pesquerías del Sudeste FB17-30. 24 de mayo de 2017

    FB17-28 Eng - Final Rule Modifies the Timing of Accountability Measure-Based Closures in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters

    KEY MESSAGE: NOAA Fisheries announces a final rule modifying the date for implementation of accountability measure-based closures for U.S. Caribbean reef fish, spiny lobster, and coral resources managed by the Caribbean Fishery Management Council. · The purpose of this rule is to minimize, to the extent practicable, adverse socio-economic impacts of accountability measure-based closures, while protecting the fishery resource. May 15, 2017

    FB17-28 Sp -Cambios a la fecha de implementación de vedas a la pesca basadas en medidas de responsabilidad en aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense

    MENSAJE PRINCIPAL: El Servicio Nacional de Pesquerías Marinas (NOAA Fisheries, por su nombre en inglés) anuncia la reglamentación final que ajusta la fecha para la implementación de vedas a la pesca basadas en medidas de responsabilidad para los peces de arrecife, la langosta espinosa y los recursos coralinos administrados por el Consejo de Administración Pesquera del Caribe en aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense. · El propósito de esta reglamentación es minimizar en la medida posible y mientras se protege al recurso pesquero, el impacto socioeconómico de las vedas a la pesca basadas en medidas de responsabilidad. 15 de mayo de 2017

    FB17-22 Eng - Reduced Fishing Season Lengths for the Recreational Harvest of Wrasses in Federal Waters around Puerto Rico for the 2017 Fishing Year 

    Recreational harvest of wrasses, including hogfish, puddingwife, and Spanish hogfish, in federal waters of Puerto Rico, will close on April 19, 2017. Recreational harvest will reopen at 12:01 a.m. (local time) on January 1, 2018.

    FB17-22 Sp -Reducción en la duración de la temporada de pesca recreativa de los peces lábridos en aguas federales alrededor de Puerto Rico para el año 2017 

    La pesca recreativa de peces lábridos, incluyendo capitán, capitán de piedras y loro capitán, se cerrará a las 12:01 am, hora local, el 19 de abril de 2017. La pesca recreativa de estas especies se reabrirá a las 12:01 a.m. (hora local) del 1 de enero de 2018.

    FB17-18 - Seasonal Prohibition on Fishing for or Possession of Mutton and
    Lane Snapper in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters

    FB17-18 SP - Temporada de veda para la pesca y posesión de la sama y el arrayao en aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense

    FB17-11 -Seasonal Closure of Mutton Snapper Spawning Aggregation Area in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters off St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

    FB17-11-SP -Cierre de temporada anual en el Área de Desove de la Sama en aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense en Santa Cruz, Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses

    FB17-10 - NOAA Fisheries Seeks Public Comment on the Proposed Rule to Modify the Timing of Accountability Measure-Based Closures in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters

    FB17-10 Sp - NOAA Fisheries solicita comentarios sobre la reglamentación propuesta para modificar las temporadas en que se implementan las vedas a la pesca por medidas de responsabilidad en aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense

    FB17-003 - Seasonal Prohibition on Fishing for and Possession of Red, Black, Tiger, Yellowfin, and Yellowedge Grouper in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters and
    Seasonal Closure of Grammanik Bank off St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

    FB17-003 Sp - Temporada de veda para la pesca y posesión del mero rojo, mero negro, tigre, guajil y guajil amarillo en aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense y Cierre de temporada en el área del Banco Grammanik en San Tomás, Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses

    FB17-002 - NOAA Fisheries Seeks Public Comments on an Amendment to Modify the Timing of Accountability Measure-Based Closures in U.S. Caribbean Federal Waters

    FB17-002 Sp - NOAA Fisheries solicita comentarios sobre una enmienda para modificar
    las temporadas en que se implementan las vedas a la pesca por medidas de
    responsabilidad en aguas federales del Caribe Estadounidense