Framework Amendment 2 Spiny Lobster Annual Catch Limits Reguatory Text
Regional Strategies for US Caribbean Stock Assessment and Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Current Actions
Endangered Species Act - Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion
181st CFMC Hybrid Regular Meeting Verbatim Transcript
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Potentially Update National Standard 4,8, and 9 Guidelines
Status of Amendments to the Island-Based Fishery Management Plans
St. Croix Liaison Presentation
Outreach and Education Advisory Panel Report to the Council
Puerto Rico Fisheries Liaison Report to the Council
St. Thomas / St. John Fisheries Liaison Report to the Council
Value-Added Products as Tool for Management of Invasive Lionfish
St. Thomas Fisherman's Association Statement.
DNER Update for the CFMC in Fisheries Intervention
Equity and Environmental Justice Update
Amendment 2 to the PR, STX, STT/STJ FMPs: Trawl, Net Gear, and Descending Devices
SEDAR 91 US Caribbean Spiny Lobster
SEFSC Caribbean Fisheries Branch Update
An Overview of ESA Batched Biological Opinion on the 3 IBFMPs Opinion's Incidental Take Statement
A Synopsis of 2 New ESA Critical Habitat Rules
St. Thomas Fisherman's Association Statement
Bajo de Sico - Area Managed by CFMC