Caribbean Fishery Management Council

Conserving, Restoring and Managing of Fishery Resources in the US Caribbean

Framework Amendment 2 Spiny Lobster Annual Catch Limits Reguatory Text

Draft Framework Amendment 2 to the Puerto Rico, St. Croix, and St. Thomas and St. John Fishery Managment Plans: Updates to the Spiny Lobster Overfishing Limit, Acceptable Biological Catch, and Annual Catch Limit

Draft Amendment 3 to the Puerto Rico, St. Croix, and St. Thomas and St. John Management Measures for Dolphin and Wahoo

Regional Strategies for US Caribbean Stock Assessment and Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Current Actions

Draft Amendment 2 to the Fishery Management Plans for Puerto Rico, St. Croix, and St. Thomas and St. John: Trawl an Net Gear and Descending Devices

Endangered Species Act - Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion

181st CFMC Hybrid Regular Meeting Verbatim Transcript

Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Potentially Update National Standard 4,8, and 9 Guidelines

Presentation Amendment 3 to the Puerto Rico, St. Croix, St. Thomas/St. John Fishery Mangement Plans: New Management Measures for Dolphin and Wahoo

Presentation Framework Amendment 2: Update the Overfishing Limit, Acceptable Biological Catch, and Annual Catch Limit for Spiny Lobster

Status of Amendments to the Island-Based Fishery Management Plans

St. Croix Liaison Presentation

Outreach and Education Advisory Panel Report to the Council

Puerto Rico Fisheries Liaison Report to the Council

Eat Lionfish! ¡Come pez león!

St. Thomas / St. John Fisheries Liaison Report to the Council

Value-Added Products as Tool for Management of Invasive Lionfish

St. Thomas Fisherman's Association Statement.

SSC Report to the Council

Inflation Reduction Act


DNER Update for the CFMC in Fisheries Intervention

DNER Report to the Council

Equity and Environmental Justice Update

Amendment 2 to the PR, STX, STT/STJ FMPs: Trawl, Net Gear, and Descending Devices

SEDAR 91 US Caribbean Spiny Lobster

EBFMTAP - Report

SEFSC Caribbean Fisheries Branch Update

BIG FISH Media Plan

Dolphinfish Research Program

An Overview of ESA Batched Biological Opinion on the 3 IBFMPs Opinion's Incidental Take Statement

A Synopsis of 2 New ESA Critical Habitat Rules

Grammanik Bank and MCD Present Regulations for the Protection of Spawning Aggregations of Nassau Grouper and Other Species

St. Thomas Fisherman's Association Statement

Bajo de Sico - Area Managed by CFMC

Puerto Rico DAP Report