Caribbean Fishery Management Council

Conserving, Restoring and Managing of Fishery Resources in the US Caribbean


Fishery Management Plan, Regulatory Impact Review and Final Environmental Impact Statement for Corals and Reef Associated Plants and Invertebrates of Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands, July 1994

CORALS Inmagine CD  

coral bottom, photo: Inmagine ©

Coral FMP cover page

Table of contents


Fishery Management Plan

Appendix A Species excluded from the FMU

Appendix I The State of Puerto Rican Corals: An Aid To Managers

Appendix II A Preliminary Assessment of the Export Trade in Marine Aquarium Organisms in Puerto Rico. Please request hard copy at CFMC headquarters.

Appendix III Regulatory Impact Review

Appendix IV Final Environmental Impact Statement

Table 1  Species in the Fishery Management Unit

Tables 2 and 3

  • Table 2 - Reported numbers of individuals of invertebrates exported from Puerto Rico
  • Table 3 - Reported numbers of boxes of marine fish and invertebrates exported from Puerto Rico

Figure 1 Distribution of substrate type by coast and by depth

FEIS Figure 1

Figure 2 Distribution of live and submerged reefs on the insular shelf, Isla Caja de Muertos area, southern Puerto Rico

FEIS Figure 2

Figure 3 Live invertebrate exported from Puerto Rico; 1990-1992

Figure 4 Proposed MCDs for Puerto Rico

Figure 5 Proposed MCD for St. Croix, U.S.V.I.

For Written Comments please request hardcopy at CFMC headquarters.

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