Caribbean Fishery Management Council
Conserving, Restoring and Managing of Fishery Resources in the US Caribbean
Verbatim Transcription of the 179th CFMC Hybrid Meeting
Fostering Barotrauma Mitigation Outreach Collaboration across the Southeast U.S by Melissa Crouch
Draft Verion 1 (Dec. 2022) Generic Amendment 2 to the Fishery Management Plans fo PR, St. Thomas/St. John and St. Croix: Trawl and Net Gear and Descending Devices
Generic Amendment 3 to the PR, St. Thomas/St. John and St. Croix FMPs: Management Measures for Pelagic Species
Draft White Paper (April 2022) Consideration of Managemnt for Pelagic Species Under the IBFMPs
Status of Island-based Maagement Pans and Amendments
Draft CFMC, SSC Practices and Procedures Concerning Objectivity and Conflicts of Interests
SEDAR 57 Caribbean Spiny Lobster Update
Queen Conch ESA Proposed Listing
Nassau Grouper Critical Habitat Proposed Listing
Critical Habitat - Reglamentación propuesta para designar hábitat crítico para la especie amenazada mero Nassau (Mero cherna)
Federal Register - Endangered and Threatened Species, Designation of Critical Habitat for the Nassau grouper Proposed Rule
Three month after Hurricane Fiona and 5 years after María, what has happened to the fishing villages in PR? by Jannette Ramos García
PR Fisheries Liaison Outreach and Education by Wilson Santiago
OEAP Report by Alida Ortiz
SEFSC U.S. Caribbean Projects Update
CFMC Social Media Update by Cristina Olán
SSC Report by Richard Appeldoorn