Caribbean Fishery Management Council
Conserving, Restoring and Managing of Fishery Resources in the US Caribbean
Meeting Presentations:
Overview of Efforts to Fill Critical Life History Information Gaps for Data-poor Reef Fishes: Upcoming SEDAR Species by Jesús Rivera and Virginia Shervette
Draft Stategic Plan Comment Summary
2022-2026 Strategic Plan Presentation by Michelle Duval
Draft 2022-2026 Strategic Plan (Complete Version, English)
Borrador del Plan Estratégico 2022-2026 (Versión completa, español)
Dolphinfish Research Program by Dr. Wessley Merten (Available upon request)
DAP St. Thomas/ St. John's Recommendations: ACL for species managed in the EEZ
Deep Water Squid Opportunity by Marcos Hanke
Modification to the Buoy Gear Definition and Use Draft Version 3
Modification of the Buoy Gear Definition and Use Presentation
PR DAP Meeting on Compatible Regulations EEZ-PR by Nelson Crespo
CFMC Liaison Report St. Croix by Mavel Maldonado
CFMC Liaison Report Puerto Rico by Wilson Santiago
CFMC Liaison Report St. Thomas by Nicole Greaux
OEAP Report to the Council by Alida Ortiz
CFMC Social Media Update by Cristina Olán
Options for Council Consideration to Modify the Timing of the Accountability Measure for Spiny Lobster in Puerto Rico
Modification to the Timing of the Red Hind Seaosnal and Area Closures in Federal Waters off Puerto Rico Draft
Modification to the Timing of the Red Hind Seaosnal and Area Closures in Federal Waters off Puerto Rico Presentation
Sargassum & EFH by David Dale
Trawling in Federal Waters of the US Caribbean EEZs