Caribbean Fishery Management Council
Conserving, Restoring and Managing of Fishery Resources in the US Caribbean
August 15, 2017
SSC Report by Richard Appeldoorn
Draft Actions and Alternatives DEIS for IBFMPs
Draft Actions and Alternatives for the DEIS for IBFMPs
Caracterización de los Hábitats Bénticos Asociados a los Pargos de Profundidad en Desecheo y Otros
DAPs ABC to ACL - St. Croix, St. Thomas and Puerto Rico
DAPs ABC to ACL St. Thomas
Dolphin Survey of Puerto Rico and USVI by Wessley Merten
Spiny Lobster Data Form with Drift Map (March 2017)
Spiny Lobster Data Form in English (Final)
August 16, 2017
Regulatory Amendment 6 - Triggering AMs in the Puerto Rico EEZ
Review of AMs-Based Closures for the 2017 Fishing Year
Presentación Laboratorio por Alfredo Sfeir
OEAP ReportOEAP Report by Alida Ortiz
2017 Fisheries Forum: Participation Report by Carlos Velázquez
Intervenciones Ley 278 by Damaris Delgado
Building Effective Fishery Ecosystem Plans
Development of the US Caribbean Fishery Ecosystem Plan (Revised)
Have you ever thought about octopus? by Grisel Rodriguez