District Advisory Panels
The District Advisory Panels (DAP) are composed of members of the commercial and recreational fisheries sectors. The CFMC has three DAPs representing each of the US Caribbean Districts.
Puerto Rico District Advisory Panel
Nelson Crespo
PR-DAP Chair
Commercial Fishery
Edwin J. Arroyo
Commercial Fishery
José Chaar
Commercial Fishery
Genius Fernádez Maya
Commercial Fishery
Anthony Elizo
Commercial Fishery
Joel González
Commercial Fishery
Roberto Silva
Commercial Fishery
Cedric Taquin
Recreational Fishery
Carlos Velázquez
Commercial Fishery
Gary Wayne Rogers
Aquarium Trade Fishery
Conservación ConCiencia
Ex-Officio Member
US Coast Guard
Ex-Officio Member
PR Department of Natural and Environmental Resources
Ex-Officio Member
St. Thomas/St. John District Advisory Panel
Julian Magras
Commercial Fishery
Christy Berry
Commercial Fishery
Collin Butler
Collin Butler
Daryl Bryan
Commercial Fishery
Ruth Gomez
Commercial Fishery
Elizabeth Kadison
Recreational Fishery
Shirley Ledee
Commercial Fishery
Gregory Ledee
Commercial Fishery
Wiston Ledee
Commercial Fishery
Gilbert Mathew Laban
Commercial Fishery
Jessica Petersen
Commercial Fishery
Joshua Quetel
Commercial Fishery
Conservación ConCiencia
Ex-Officio Member
US Coast Guard
Ex-Officio Member
DPNR, Division of Fish and Wildlife
Ex-Officio Member
St. Croix District Advisory Panel
Gerson Martínez
Commercial Fishery
Thomas Daley
Commercial Fishery
Mike Fuller
Recreational Fishery
Michael Funk
Commercial Fishery
Michelle Pugh
Edward Schuster
Commercial Fishery
Patricia Skov
Commercial Fishery
Marcia Taylor
Willam J. Tobias
Recreational Fishery
Gary Wayne Rogers
Aquarium Trade Fishery
Conservación ConCiencia
Ex-Officio Member
US Coast Guard
Ex-Officio Member
DPNR, Division of Fish and Wildlife
Ex-Officio Member